Thursday, April 26, 2012

e-Trolls - Charli Wiggill

Beware my brothers
the e-Trolls are coming
scavenging on pre-existing
are freeways no more
they eat up the
and feather the bastards

e-Trolls have
corpulent politicians
attached to backs
like the Hunchback
of Gauteng
they drink up our fuel levy
they gobble up our roads
they squander our purse

Offering taxis a break
they break the taxpayers
register willingly
they’ll tax you
register namelessly
they’ll tax you to death
smash your car
with a monetary sledgehammer

Government has forgotten
its promise, its people
Ministers blue light by
day and by night
frighten people off the roads
kill people off their roads
Beware, my brothers
The e-Trolls are coming

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Elephantine Irony - Charli Wiggill

Squatting in the midst of time
Durban’s once magnificent elephants,
flail to travel their ancient paths

Tsk, tsk – these pachyderms
stand stridently ‘gainst sand, sea and sky
African elephants are welcome in other cities
But not in an African one

Rusting noisily beneath flimsy plastic foliage
once shot out by colonial hunters
now shot out by corrupt politicians -
a bureaucracy with small-trunk syndrome, perhaps?

Haemorrhaging their guts into political waters
their truncated futures uncertain
caged in steel with hearts of granite
barred by supposed servants of the people

Their underbellies rumble through the populace –
five tons of bellow refuses to die down
small herd is heard beyond concrete
pernickety policy-makers refuse to listen

This quagmire of elephantine proportions
bogged down in a whole lot of bull –
you can bring an elephant to water,
but you can’t make a politician drink (water, that is)

The electeds have a rather thick-skinned hide-and-seek:
like chattering monkeys at a waterhole
assembled council can’t see the leaves for the fleas
wildly trumpeting haughty self-absorption

nkosi-gevaar lurking under every leaf
like an ever-present elephant in the ancillary dis-services -
think - if you’re brave enough, oh wise ones
free these silver-grey beasts forever from City Hall

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sandy Bay - Charli Wiggill

Bodyscape of torsos
Lounging in the buff
Parade of quizzy visitors
To look at dick or muff

Cake flour smooth bums lie there
Waiting to be baked
Browned and gingered, tanned fair
Some with cream are faked

Volleyball played on the beach
Wobbly bits adangle
Model bods just out of reach
For most an awkward angle

With families and singles too
Just as nature intended
Too conservative we are to view
So outings are suspended